About us

Our mission is to get kids to

Gameknight Publishing is an LLC owned and operated by Mark Cheverton. We only publish Mark's books as well as his online educational materials. Our goal is to instill a lifelong love of reading and writing in kids of all ages.

Our philosophy

We believe in creativity

When I started writing, a curious thing happened - kids started sending me their own stories. Many kids emailed me, saying they want to write a story, but don't know how to start. I gave what advice I could but was frustrated there wasn't a good resource for these young writers. And now there is!
I believe creativity is a tool that must be polished by practice. Creativity can help with writing, but can also help with other aspects of our lives. I use creative thinking in my job as a Physicist every day. 
Writing is a great way to practice and improve on one's creativity. It is my hope that my educational courses help lots of kids improve their creativity while at the same time boost their self-esteem. It is a special moment when a child opens that Amazon box and pulls out their book for the first time. The boost to their self-esteem when they see their name on Amazon and hold their book must be epic!


Write your awesome label here.

Mark Cheverton

Teacher, turned scientist, turned author. I'll be sharing with you all my tricks and secrets about writing awesome books.
Write your awesome label here.

Dori the Jumpy-cat

Guess what we did during the COVID Lock-down.
Write your awesome label here.

Olive the Lazy-cat

She'd rather just let things come to her. Sometimes, I feel like that too, though it's a hard way to be successful.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you Mark for giving the students this AMAZING opportunity to learn from you.  This has not been an easy year for our kids but when they heard that they were going to be meeting and learning from a New York Times Bestselling Minecraft author, it was incredible to see the smiles on their faces and excitement in their eyes!"
Susan L - NYC

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